Patrona Evolution SK114, SOLO
Patrona Evolution SK114, SOLO

Patrona Evolution SK114, SOLO

350,00 €


Ø 114 mm
Model M33 x 3.5 DIN 800

For safety, the maximum jaw movement is limited so that when the chuck is fully opened, the threads of the scroll engage still sufficiently in the jaws.
This chuck features a super-slim stainless steel body incorporating a new design of longer accessory mounting jaws. These jaws sit deeper in the chuck and offer a greater contact area within the slide ways of the chuck, thus minimising vibration during use. The ultra-compact design keeps the workpiece as close as possible to the headstock of your lathe to lessen the load on the bearings and prevent unwanted vibration. Indexing is achieved by 24 peripheral slots and 36 holes on the chuck back plate, giving the option of 10° or 15° indexing. Max. jaw movement 22 mm (plus safety capacity). Fully compatible with all Axminster jaws.
Includes chuck key for one-handed operation.

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