Jauns produkts

Frēzmašīna ROBLAND T 120 TS / TL / TP

Technical data:
tension 400 V
waga TS 560 kg
TL weight 710 kg
waga TP 1020 kg
engine power 7.5 PS (optional 10 PS)
table dimensions 1200 x 705 mm
table height 930 mm
diameters of the replaceable spindle 30 / 40 / 50 mm 1" 1/4
spindle length 180 mm
height adjustment 205 mm
number of turns per minute 3000/4500/6000/7000/10000
max. diameter and height of the table 320 x 95 mm
dimensions of the moving table 760 x 500 mm
table height adjustment 1050 mm
diameter of the extraction nozzle 120 mm

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