17pcs. Diesel Injector Seat Cutter Set
17pcs. Diesel Injector Seat Cutter Set

17pcs. Diesel Injector Seat Cutter Set

154,82 €


To clean and re-cutting the injector seats when changing injectors. This injector seat cutter set allows the user to reface the seat, in order to fit the new or reconditioned injector correctly. Various cutters are available for nearly all diesel cars. 1 pc 15.5mm x 15.5mm angled reamer 1 pc 17mm x 17mm angled reamer 1 pc 17mm x 21mm angled reamer 1 pc 14mm x 14mm flat reamer 1 pc 15mm x 15mm flat reamer 1 pc 15mm x 19mm flat reamer 1 pc 17mm x 17mm flat reamer 1 pc 17 mm x 17.5mm flat reamer 1

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