Hose Clamp Pliers with interchangeable Bowden Cables
Hose Clamp Pliers with interchangeable Bowden Cables

Hose Clamp Pliers with interchangeable Bowden Cables

56,77 €


Special design for easy and quick change of the tensioning head unit for different hose clamps. For mounting and disassembly of different flexible belt clamps from 0 - 75 mm For use even in narrow spaces with interchangeable bowden cables 3 hose clamp pliers with bowden cable: 670 mm bowden cable with clamp head for standard hose clamps, opening range 3 to 52 mm 635 mm bowden cable with clamp head for Clic-R type hose clamps, opening range 0 to 24 mm 670 mm bowden cable with dual side clamp head f

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