Adamik EBS1000
Adamik EBS1000

Adamik EBS1000

cena pēc pieprasījuma


Tehniskie rādītāji:

Exhaustion capacity, m3/h 9600
Underpressure (max), Pa 4850
Connection, mm 315
Filter type, - EBS
Recuperation filter, m2 32
Briquetting capacity, kg/h 40-60
Briquettes diameter, mm 65

EBS System is combination of central exhaustion system and briquetting press. The air is separated from the wood waste in the EBS as primary filtration and the air is than recuperated to the workshop through conventional filter. The EBS separates up to 99 % of the wood waste and dust and highly reduce the lost of exhastion capacity due to clogged filters. The EBS creates fully automated production of briquettes.

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