
Jauns produkts

Formātzāģis ROBLAND E 2800 — 3100

Technical data:
Power of the main engine with star-delta manual start 4 kW
Spindle motor power 0.55 kW
The length of the side aluminum carriage 2800 - 3100 mm
Masa netto 550 kg
The maximum diameter of the circular saw 315 x 30 mm
Maximum sawing height 100 mm
Maximum sawing height at 45 degrees 70 mm
Tilt saw blade 90 - 45 degrees
The number of revolutions per minute 4500
Diameter of the cutting spindle 120 x 20 mm
The height of sawing the spindle 5 mm
The number of revolutions per minute of the podcinaka 6500
Dimensions of the fixed table 940 x 510 mm
Dimensions of the side car 2800 x 310 mm
Cutting length 2800 - 3100 mm
Sawing width on the right side 1270 mm
Diameter of the chip extraction nozzle 120 - 80 mm

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